Gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ners at Rüdes­hei­mer Platz

Welcome to the family doctors at Rüdesheimer Platz!

„One should first be a human being,
then a doctor.“

Dr. Peter Kars­ten has been known to you for many years as a long-time fami­ly doc­tor and psy­cho­the­ra­pist at Rüdes­hei­mer Platz. The suc­ces­sor for Mr. Ste­phan Hamm will be Dr. Kerem Ere­kul, spe­cia­list in inter­nal medi­ci­ne and most recent­ly as chief phy­si­ci­an in the emer­gen­cy depart­ment at St. Joseph Hos­pi­tal and Fran­zis­kus Hos­pi­tal, and Dr. Signe Burow and Julia Ere­kul-Tschirner, both spe­cia­lists in gene­ral medicine.

We see our­sel­ves as your pri­ma­ry cont­act for all phy­si­cal and men­tal problems.
We tre­at pati­ents with acu­te ill­nesses as well as chro­ni­cal­ly ill peo­p­le of all ages with gre­at com­pe­tence and many years of experience.
We use modern and reco­gni­zed dia­gno­stic methods and the­ra­peu­tic pro­ce­du­res, taking into account the indi­vi­du­al needs and life situa­tions of our patients.
A spe­cial dia­gno­stic focus of the prac­ti­ce is, among other things, ultra­sound dia­gno­stics (sono­gra­phy).
Dr. Peter Kars­ten also spe­cia­li­zes in the dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py of Lyme disease.
But main­tai­ning and pro­mo­ting health as well as dise­a­se pre­ven­ti­on through advice, pre­ven­ti­on pro­grams and vac­ci­na­ti­ons is important to us.

We attach gre­at importance to human, trus­ting and indi­vi­du­al tre­at­ment of our pati­ents at eye level.
If inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry tre­at­ment is requi­red, we can rely on clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with spe­cia­list col­le­agues and clinics.

We are the­re for you when it comes to your health!

Consultation hours

Mon­day — Fri­day 8:00 — 13:00 and 15:00 — 18:30

Plea­se make an appoint­ment in advan­ce — also for labo­ra­to­ry tests.
Appoint­ments can also be made online at

Infection consultation

We offer a sepa­ra­te infec­tion con­sul­ta­ti­on for pati­ents with the fol­lo­wing (respi­ra­to­ry) sym­ptoms (also indi­vi­du­al sym­ptoms) such as hea­da­che and body aches, fever, run­ny nose, sore throat, cough,smell and/or tas­te dis­or­der and diar­rhea. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is not pos­si­ble to tre­at the abo­ve-men­tio­ned sym­ptoms in the regu­lar con­sul­ta­ti­on hours. In the sepa­ra­te infec­tious dise­a­se con­sul­ta­ti­on you will recei­ve medi­cal tre­at­ment, if neces­sa­ry a sick note and coro­na swabs will also be taken here. We ask for pri­or appoint­ment via, pho­ne or mail.

You are wel­co­me to book an appoint­ment for a coro­na smear online or by phone.

Pri­va­te consultation
Thurs­days 15:00 — 18:00, Dr. K. Erekul
and by appointment

Video con­sul­ta­ti­on
Boo­ka­ble by pho­ne or online at buchbar.


General practitioners at Rüdesheimer Platz

Dr. med. Peter Kars­ten
Dr. med. Signe Burow
Julia Ere­kul-Tschirner
— Spe­cia­lists in gene­ral medicine -

Dr. med. Kerem Ere­kul
— Spe­cia­list for inter­nal medicine -

Aßmanns­hau­ser Stra­ße 11a
14197 Berlin

Direct­ly at the U‑Bhf. Rüdes­hei­mer Platz

Tel (030) 82 70 93 00
Fax (030) 82 70 93 01

Repeat pre­scrip­ti­ons can be orde­red by ans­we­ring machi­ne and picked up the next day.




Examinations / Diagnostics
  • Ana­mne­sis / phy­si­cal examination
  • Labo­ra­to­ry diagnostics
  • ECG
  • 24h blood pres­su­re measurement
  • Lung func­tion examination
  • Sono­gra­phy abdo­men, kid­neys and uri­na­ry tract, thy­ro­id, tho­rax, vein com­pres­si­on sono­gra­phy, mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal ultrasound
  • Aller­gy test
Preventive services
  • Health check-up 35+
  • Skin can­cer scree­ning from the age of 35
  • Men’s Pre­cau­ti­on from the age of 45
  • Aor­tic aneu­rysm screening
  • Vac­ci­na­ti­ons
Special therapies
  • DMP pro­grams (Dise­a­se Manage­ment Pro­grams) For CHD, COPD, bron­chi­al asth­ma, dia­be­tes mel­li­tus type II
  • Lyme dise­a­se therapy
  • Psy­cho­the­ra­py
  • Nut­ri­tio­nal coun­seling in coope­ra­ti­on with Ms. Jes­si­ca Scheugenpflug
  • Minor sur­gery
  • Acu­p­unc­tu­re
  • Care of peo­p­le with dif­fe­rent disa­bi­li­ties
    Home and nur­sing home visits (for exis­ting pati­ents, if necessary)
Individual health service (IGeL); self-pay service
  • Pre­ven­ti­ve care bey­ond the cata­log of sta­tu­to­ry health insu­rance companies
  • Sono­gra­phy
  • Tra­vel medi­ci­ne consultation
  • Patient’s will / pre­cau­tio­na­ry power of attorney

„One should first be
a human being,
then a doc­tor“ Vol­taire